Wednesday, October 12, 2016

new AirPods audio on the iPhone 7


You could, of course, try the new Apple AirPods, which
 have been developed on a new wireless standard. A
 quick Public Service Announcement: you DO NOT
 need to buy these to get audio on the iPhone 7.
Three separate people have told us that that's what
 they thought was the case when Apple launched
 them – that's something the brand needs to clarify
There's also another reason not to buy them: they're
 incredibly expensive at $159 / £159 / AU$229, and
 all they really do is cut the wire from the EarPods
 you get in the box.
The sound quality doesn't feel like it's much better,
 and while the ability to tap one pod to activate Siri,
 or remove a Pod and have the sound instantly stop,
 is cool, it's not really worth the cash.
Plus, there's also the fact that they don't look the most
 elegant in the ears – and if you struggle with the fit of
 the EarPods, these things are going to fall out all the time.
They do have a lot of charge, come with a cool magnetic
 carry case (which also adds 24 hours of charge, to the
point where we've not even come close to running ours
down during the review) and free you from the wires…
 but these feel more like reference designs for future
wireless Apple devices than the must-have iPhone

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